8 Proven Strategies for Marketing Your Medical Devices

Successful medical device marketing is not just about getting the product noticed; it’s about empowering customers to make informed decisions about their purchases—all while navigating the intricacies of regulatory compliance.

So, whether you’re gearing up to launch a new medical device or seeking ways to enhance the marketing of an existing one, here are eight tried-and-true strategies to help you get started.

1. Define Your Brand Identity

As a company, you are more than the sum of your products and services; you are a brand. “Brand” refers to that intangible essence that instantly distinguishes you from your competitors.

Are you innovative and cutting-edge? Reliable and patient-centric? Defining your brand personality helps you create a consistent and relatable message that resonates with your target audience above and beyond any single product or service that you offer.

But how do you create a brand identity? It starts with asking some fundamental questions:

What is your company’s history?
Your journey to becoming a medical device company likely spanned several years and involved substantial investments to bring your product to life. While the early days of this process might seem like a distant memory, they hold a treasure trove of stories you can use in your medical device marketing strategy to engage both potential customers and patients.

Craft a narrative that invites prospects and patients alike to join you on this journey, building a connection that grows as you do.

What is your company’s purpose?
Closely tied to your company’s history, your purpose should answer why your products and solutions exist.

Whether you’re developing devices for diagnostics, treatments, or surgical procedures, the overarching goal is often to enhance patient outcomes and support the healthcare professionals who make them happen.

What is your company’s mission?
Your mission should summarize in a sentence or two what you do and who you do it for. Building on your business’s purpose, explain how you’re working towards achieving these goals and who benefits from your efforts.

Patients and healthcare providers are not just seeking solutions; they’re looking for transparency and a genuine commitment to improving healthcare. If they sense that your company is solely profit-driven, trust and connection become elusive.

Why will customers buy from you?
When building your brand identity, it’s important to consider things from your ideal customer’s perspective. Think about your customers’ motivations–what drives them to buy? Think about their fears–what prevents them from signing on the dotted line. Your branding can shape the way potential customers view your company and influence their decision to purchase.

To create a brand identity, use the answer to these questions to create guidelines that inform your decisions about brand colors, voice and tone, slogans, and other marketing choices.

2. Focus on Key Buyer Segments

Focus is at the heart of every good marketing strategy. You might have ideas about how to sell to multiple customer segments across numerous channels, but without focus, you’re likely to spread yourself too thin and be ineffective. Even the largest companies in the medical device industry have priority segments that they focus on, and if you’re a startup or are launching a new product, it’s even more important for you.

When thinking about which segments to focus on, note where you have the most competitors, and where you might have the greatest advantage. Also, consider the size of the segment, and how well your company is equipped to sell to it.

Building an effective medical device marketing strategy requires understanding the unique needs and preferences of each segment you decide to focus on, so as you plan, consider the following:

Identify Pain Points: Delve into the challenges and pain points faced by each customer segment. Understanding these pain points helps tailor your messaging to resonate with each audience.

Understand the Roles: As you approach potential customers, ensure you understand the roles each individual plays in the decision-making process. From physicians and department heads, to executives and administrators, each role has distinct concerns and priorities. Make sure you understand them inside and out.

Craft Tailored Content: Once you’ve gained insights into the roles and pain points, create content that speaks directly to them. For example, physicians may seek better patient outcomes, administrators might prioritize cost-effectiveness, and executives may look for strategic alignment. Customizing your content ensures it’s relevant and appealing to all stakeholders.

Adapt and Evolve: Buyer needs evolve over time. Stay attuned to changes in the healthcare landscape and the shifting priorities of your audience. Continuously refine your personas and adapt your medical device marketing strategy to remain relevant and effective.

3. Meet the Customer Along the Buyer’s Journey

Selling healthcare products is not like selling a pair of shoes. The purchase of a medical device requires a great deal of consideration and research, a process that doesn’t happen overnight. To effectively market your medical device, you need a comprehensive strategy that guides your audience along this decision process, also known as the buyer’s journey.

One of the keys to success here is to anticipate and answer your potential buyer’s questions at each step of their journey. For example, let’s consider Alex, a hospital administrator looking to purchase a medical device as she moves along the stages of the buyer’s journey.

Alex has noticed an increase in patient waiting times for diagnostic imaging procedures, which affects the hospital’s overall efficiency. With no clear objective in mind, she begins her journey by searching online for ways to optimize diagnostic imaging processes and stumbles upon search engine ads for your medical device, which does just that.

Now that Alex is aware of your medical device, she enters the consideration phase. She starts researching the device to understand its effectiveness and clinical results. She also subscribes to your email newsletter, which provides her with in-depth articles about how your device has positively impacted other hospitals.

Alex follows your social media accounts, where she comes across posts that explain the science behind your device’s improved efficiency. Your medical device blog further educates her about the technology and benefits of your offering, helping her move closer to a decision.

In the final stage, Alex is ready to make a decision. She has gathered substantial information about your device, but she needs that extra layer of confidence to make the purchase. Alex reviews product comparisons on your website, comparing your device to others on the market. She analyzes the ROI potential, using the analysis tools on your site, and confirms that the device is a cost-effective solution for her hospital.

Alex also comes across a compelling case study on your website that showcases another hospital’s success story with your device. Impressed by the results and backed by testimonials from other administrators, she is now confident in her decision to purchase your device.

In the real world, buyer’s journeys rarely follow such straight paths. However, when you create a medical device marketing strategy that aims to answer your customer’s questions before they even ask, you can build a comprehensive image of your device and its value. Plus, each of these stages serve as an opportunity to generate leads and highlight the competitive advantages of your product over other options in the market.

4. Use Your Website Wisely

It’s not a secret that the internet plays a huge role in the decision-making process of B2B buyers. According to a Google study, 89% of B2B buyers begin their journey by researching solutions online, without the initial interaction of a sales team. This highlights the importance of having a robust web presence for your medical device marketing efforts.

One key point highlighted by the study is that B2B buyers often don’t start their online searches by looking for a specific product name. Instead, they begin by searching for generic terms related to their needs (think “corneal topography systems,” “dermatology lasers,” “ultrasound machine,” etc.). To make the most of this, your website should be optimized for both specific and generic terms, drawing users in and providing them with the data they need to make an informed decision.

To accomplish this effectively, your website should undergo a comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) process, which involves in-depth research into the most effective keywords for your niche. Spoiler alert: this might lead to the rewriting of some of your website’s pages to enhance organic ranking for these critical search terms, or keywords.

Also, don’t forget to evaluate the current keywords that users employ to find your site. These words are a window into the mindset of potential buyers. By understanding the language they use, you can align your website’s content with their needs and expectations, further enhancing your website’s appeal.

5. Partner with Influencers

The term “influencer” gets a bad rap sometimes, because most people tend to associate it with people like Kim Kardashian (or Blippi if you have young kids). But influencers include more than just social media celebrities.

When it comes to medical device marketing, an influencer is anyone who has a strong positive influence on your target market. For example, it could be Dr. Fauci, or the head of the WHO or CDC. Chances are, there are academics and practitioners within a narrow field of practice that would qualify as influencers, and if you can get them on board with your product or service, you can build trust with your target audience and increase your likelihood of sales.

6. Grow Your Online Presence

Crafting a strong online presence is a must for successful medical device marketing.

Your online presence often marks the first interaction between your device and potential customers. To leave a lasting impression, focus on creating high-quality content that strikes a balance between clear, everyday language and reliable, evidence-based information.

To grow your online presence, focus on channels where you know your customers turn for information. For example, academic journals, blogs, and LinkedIn. But don’t neglect things like social media and YouTube, where relevant influencers (see #5) can provide quick snippets of content that the search algorithms can deliver efficiently to your target audience.

As a rule of thumb, your content should address customer pains, make clear claims about your product, and illustrate the gains that can be had when buyers start using your product.

7. Attend Industry Tradeshows and Conferences

In-person interactions still hold great value in the medical field. Tradeshows and conferences provide the ideal platform to connect with potential customers, exhibit your device, and stay informed about medical device industry trends.

Carefully select events that resonate with your target audience and align with your device’s niche. Set well-defined objectives, whether your goal is lead generation or product launches, and, most importantly, don’t forget to actively engage in networking, initiate meaningful conversations, and attentively listen to fellow attendees. And when possible, get on stage. Presenting your research in front of a relevant audience is a great way to market your product and build a strong brand for your company.

8. Decide Whether You Want to Work with In-House Marketing vs. a Medical Device Marketing Agency

Marketing medical devices comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to conveying complex health information to audiences with varying levels of health literacy.

If you’re a startup or small company, you may not have the in-house digital marketing expertise needed to scale your company. Partnering with a reputable digital agency can save time and energy among your staff, and in the short and long run, have a better ROI than trying to hire dedicated marketing staff internally. This is true even when the ideal course of action involves striking a balance between in-house capabilities and the expertise of an external digital marketing agency.


When marketing a medical device, remember that clarity is king: Focus on clearly explaining the benefits for your target audience. From there, identify your focus and stick to it—don’t overextend yourself. At the end of the day, your marketing strategy isn’t going to differentiate you from your competitors, your execution of that strategy will.

Ready for a chat with a team that can take both marketing strategy and execution to the next level? Click here to contact Bloom Creative.

About the author

Svetla Kibota

Founder of Bloom Creative

With a background of more than twenty years in the pharmaceutical, medical device
and medical technology sectors, she has managed a breadth of medical brands and spearheaded numerous product launches.

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