Healthcare Marketing to Seniors: How to Make It Work Today

Many healthcare marketers are focused on appealing to younger generations–Millennials and Gen Z. Yet there’s an equally important, and often overlooked demographic: senior citizens. Increased life expectancy, along with the massive number of baby boomers sliding into the senior demographic, will make seniors a crucial age demographic for many years. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by 2030, senior citizens (Americans over 65) will account for over 20 percent of the total population. That’s almost double the amount of senior customers than in the year 2000! Unfortunately, with so many people living longer, their chances of developing a chronic health condition increases. There’s simply more time for conditions to develop. Aging baby boomers will have to contend with plenty of doctor and hospital visits over the next few decades. Figuring out how to reach this audience of older customers effectively is paramount to many healthcare marketers’ success.

Dispelling the Misconceptions

A lot of ineffective healthcare marketing to this older demographic stems from misconceptions about what it takes to engage them. As we’re quickly finding out, this generation of seniors is a far cry from their parents’ generation. Because senior citizens today are defying the stereotypes of what it means to be elderly, healthcare marketers must adjust to create meaningful experiences and build relationships. Here are a few key things to keep in mind when crafting a healthcare marketing strategy for older adults:

Don’t Neglect Digital Marketing Channels

A more traditional marketing approach (print ads, direct mail, TV, radio, etc.) can work well for targeting a senior audience because they are comfortable engaging through those channels and still use them regularly. But just because traditional, marketing strategies can still work well with this age group doesn’t mean marketers should abandon the idea of digital healthcare marketing completely. The Pew Research Center found that 75% of those among senior audiences use the Internet. In 2000, the gap between the senior population and younger demographics shrank from 56 percentage points to 24 percentage points. Forty five percent of the senior citizen segment have a social media account, compared to over 80% among younger generations.

Sixty-five percent of people in the senior citizen age group have smart phones, up nearly 50% over the last decade. We can only expect these numbers to continue to rise. Aging baby boomers, many of whom are already comfortable with digital channels and mobile devices, are entering the senior demographic every day. The rumors about many seniors being unable–or unwilling–to embrace digital media are simply untrue. Smartphones and tablets are making the internet even more accessible, whether seniors are still working, retired, or even visiting their grandchildren.

Pfizer is trying an interesting healthcare marketing hybrid approach by having people who see Viagra TV ads text a number to receive a discount on a year-old supply of the pills:

Don’t buy into the stereotype that seniors are averse to technology. A hybrid, marketing campaign approach (one that combines traditional and digital channels) might be your best way to connect.

What’s the Best Social Media for Healthcare Marketing to Seniors?

So, we’ve busted the myth that seniors shy away from social media. But when it comes to healthcare marketing, which platforms are the best to engage with older audiences? Unlike their younger counterparts, baby boomers are mainly hanging out on two platforms: Facebook and YouTube. An AARP report reveals that a whopping 71% of adults over 50 are Facebook regulars, making it a prime space for reaching mature audiences. What makes Facebook the go-to for healthcare marketing to the senior market of consumers? It’s not just about numbers. The real magic lies in its advertising capabilities, allowing you to finely tune your message to sync with the unique needs and preferences of seniors. Just pick the right age range when defining your target audience to make sure you’re reaching your target audience. Facebook is not just a platform; it’s a community hub. Creating a dedicated Facebook page for healthcare products or services is like opening a door to regular engagement. Keep the content flowing – informative articles, updates on healthcare programs, healthcare provider spotlights, and details about community events. It’s not just about staying informed; it’s about becoming a reliable presence in the healthcare space. And don’t forget YouTube. According to the same AARP’s report, over half of adults aged 50 and older are tuning into YouTube weekly. For healthcare marketers, that’s a cue to share videos that resonate with seniors’ concerns and interests. Establishing a brand channel on YouTube gives you the canvas to create a variety of content. From educational videos on health conditions to relatable stories of seniors living an active lifestyle or managing chronic illnesses – it’s about connecting through visuals. To fine-tune your YouTube strategy for senior campaigns, delve into keyword research. Know what the seniors are searching for, and tailor your videos to answer their burning questions, delivering content that speaks directly to their healthcare needs and interests.

Keep Things Simple and Secure

More seniors are open to getting online and embracing new technologies, but there are a few key elements that distinguish those experiences from those of younger demographics.  As seniors age, it becomes increasingly common for their hearing and eyesight to become impaired. While a millennial or gen Z probably won’t have any trouble navigating a flashy website with subtle drop-down menus, it might frustrate a senior to no end. In fact, one of the greatest barriers to tech adoption among baby boomers and elderly consumers is a lack of confidence that the device, software, or hardware will be easy to use, according to the AARP.

Improving Usability for Seniors:

  • Provide accessible customer support options, such as live chat or telephone assistance.
  • Steer clear of confusing elements like unlabelled icons, especially those that might be unfamiliar to older users (e.g., the hamburger menu ““).
  • Minimize the use of disruptive pop-ups.
  • Refrain from autoplaying audio and video content, which can be intrusive.
  • Maintain a consistent layout across the website for a sense of familiarity.
  • Offer easily accessible resources like FAQs and contact information.

We have to always stay mindful of accessibility–whether we’re marketing across traditional or digital channels. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of laying out the content differently; using a larger font and more white space could turn a poor experience into a good one.

Enhancing Accessibility:

  • Maintain a consistent and predictable website layout to facilitate ease of navigation.
  • Provide descriptive alt text for images to assist those with visual impairments.
  • Attach hyperlinks to descriptive anchor text for clarity in navigation.
  • Choose fonts, colors, and sizes with legibility in mind for easy readability.
  • Use semantic HTML tags on the website for improved structure.

Another thing to watch out for: the increasing complexity of procedures and devices. As technology improves, so do our ways to utilize it in healthcare. We can create incredible value and change people’s lives. Unfortunately, it’s easy for that value to get lost in translation without a medical degree. One of the best strategies to simplify complex medical messaging, procedures, and/or devices is to use explainer videos. These videos, which are usually short and contain plenty of visual aids, distill the essence of your healthcare solution. Here’s an example from Senior Helpers, a home healthcare agency:

Redefine What It Means to be “Old”

You’ve probably heard the saying “40 is the new 30” countless times. Maybe you’ve even received a similar message on a birthday card celebrating a new decade or milestone! This philosophy is prevalent throughout every living generationespecially new seniors. Across the board, we’re redefining what it means to be “old.” We’re resisting the idea that one has to stop being active as soon as one retires. With healthcare and nutrition knowledge more advanced than ever, why should we have to slow down when we age? Today’s seniors believe that age is just a number. One interesting Pew survey found that more than half of people don’t even consider themselves “old” until they reach 72. Not that this distinction matters as much as it used to. Now, seniors are staying physically active and traveling well into their 60s, 70s, and beyond. With such a fun-loving outlook, it’s only natural that a positive messaging in marketing resonates. Instead of just trying to market to seniors and build relationships based on avoiding pain or chronic health problems, what if we shift our strategy to craft campaigns that encourage seniors to get the most out of life? Here’s a positive ad featuring an active senior for the drug ELIQUIS:

Give Seniors the Information They Need to Get Proactive About Their Health

Today’s senior audiences don’t want to slow down, so they’re getting much more proactive about their health. Instead of just visiting their healthcare providers and hoping for the best, they’re online researching what it takes to have a healthier diet and lifestyle. Baby boomers are more likely to research their health information online–a trend we can expect to continue as they edge into other age group the senior demographic. As healthcare marketing experts, we can engage with them earlier in the process by expanding the scope of our messaging. We can venture beyond just treating and/or managing conditions, and help people prevent them and find lasting health. Some of the most powerful healthcare marketing today is educational. By creating a resource of content people can turn to, you engage them earlier in the process and prove you’re worth their attention. Take a look at these healthy aging resources put together by Mayo Clinic.

Today’s seniors are interested in more than just staying out of the hospital or doctor’s office; they’re looking to squeeze every last drop of joy out of life. Marketers and healthcare providers who help them achieve that will forge connections that last.

Your Turn

We can’t let old stereotypes about seniors lead to ineffective healthcare and marketing campaigns. As the massive baby boomer demographic edges into old age, they’re defying all the norms. They’re embracing technology. They’re taking their health into their own hands and getting serious about achieving the highest quality of life possible. They’re even changing what it means to be “old.” You can help them. With the right marketing approach and messaging when targeting seniors, you can build relationships that make every senior feel like an individual instead of just a statistic.

About the author

Svetla Kibota

Founder of Bloom Creative

With a background of more than twenty years in the pharmaceutical, medical device
and medical technology sectors, she has managed a breadth of medical brands and spearheaded numerous product launches.

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