Medical Device Marketing Tips for 2021

Doctors and nurses are busy people. Even before COVID-19, back when you could chase them down the hall or catch them in an elevator, it was hard to get their attention. Now that we’re all virtual the challenge is even bigger. But you can’t let that stop you. It’s time to get creative.

Good salespeople solve problems

It’s never been harder to work in a hospital. So many processes and systems were reinvented in days or weeks. And many hospitals are facing major staffing shortages. Doctors and nurses are exhausted.

The surest way to get their attention is to make their lives a little easier. Maybe you’ve worked out ways to use your device more efficiently within new safety protocols and procedures. Or have ideas for how it can be adapted for today’s new realities. Those ideas can be turned into valuable content—articles, videos, graphics, and more—that your customers will be eager to use. By providing useful content that solves real problems, you can establish yourself as a trusted partner and make it more likely that your customers will seek you out.

Get the digital tools you need

You probably already use Zoom or something similar for video conferences. Have you tried hosting webinars? You may need additional tools to collect RSVPs, manage contacts in a CRM system, and broadcast a program or provide training. For marketing, there are many other digital tools that can make it easier to manage your website, post to social media, set up sales calls, and more.

Invest in digital marketing

Marketing landing page for Medical Device

Many health care companies are proudly old school, but handshake deals just aren’t possible right now. Digital spaces are where you will need to make connections.

Now’s the time to try out digital marketing strategies such as banner ads in online trade publications that link to personalized landing pages that can provide local data on the health issues your product addresses. The pitch you make to a hospital in Tulsa, Boston, or Birmingham that shows you know the region and its people can still be delivered online with the right tools and strategy.


There’s also a lot of opportunity on social media. LinkedIn is a great place to build professional relationships online and to keep up with people you already know. Reach out to “connect” with current and prospective customers and then use the space to be a valuable resource for your network. Post insightful articles and data from your field, share other people’s content that you find useful, and write thoughtful comments on posts to keep yourself top of mind. You should also post content from your company or that’s about your product, but remember not to overdo it. Your relationships should come first.  

And don’t forget about your website. We’re all looking for answers to our questions right now and new ideas that will help us make it through the pandemic. Google Trends can help you see what terms people are searching right now and create online content that uses more popular keywords to improve your website’s SEO. 

Using google trends for medical device marketing

Send mail

Inboxes are inundated and hospital systems frequently filter out messages that look like solicitations. However, the U.S. Postal Service can take you right to their door. That’s why direct mail is having a moment. An interesting piece of mail with a compelling message and intriguing packaging can force a doctor to stop and look closer. Once you have their attention, you have a chance at a relationship.  

Show your product in action

There’s no substitute for seeing how a device works with your own eyes. Video is one relatively easy way to show key features and talk through some of the nuances of your device. Especially if your device uses new technology or requires new procedures, a video can demystify what you offer and help doctors and nurses imagine themselves using it. And if your product requires a more hands-on approach, consider a virtual reality or augmented reality experience. 

Rely on your partners

You don’t have to navigate our new digital reality alone. Make sure you have a good IT person on call and know how to contact support for all of your technology vendors. For marketing strategy, seek out experts with deep experience in marketing and health care. A thought partner can help you see your opportunities and develop with you a strategy that matches your product.

As we emerge out of the pandemic, more will be possible. With a solid strategy in place and new marketing tools in your toolbox, you’ll be ready to take advantage of the upswing that’s coming and will be prepared to weather future pandemics.

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About the author

Svetla Kibota

Founder of Bloom Creative

With a background of more than twenty years in the pharmaceutical, medical device
and medical technology sectors, she has managed a breadth of medical brands and spearheaded numerous product launches.

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